WoW Classic PvP Rank Honor Requirements
The Honor system in WoW Classic allows players to progress through PvP ranks by accumulating Honorable Kills and Contribution Points. This system grants titles, ranks, and rewards based on a player's PvP activity each week. Updates to the system in WoW Classic Era have streamlined progression, making it clearer and more straightforward.

Honor and Contribution Points
Earning Honor Players earn honor through various PvP activities such as winning in battlegrounds like Warsong Gulch, open world PvP, and achieving specific objectives. The amount of honor earned varies with each activity.
Contribution Points Honor points are converted to Contribution Points (CP), which determine a player's rank each week. The conversion rate varies based on rank, with honor points being worth less CP at higher ranks.
Honor Cap The weekly upper limit for honor points is 500,000, which equates to 65,000 CP (Rank 14). 175,000 honor points equals 40,000 CP (Rank 10), and 45,000 honor points equates to 20,000 CP (Rank 6).

Ranking Up
Minimum Requirements To receive a PvP rank each week, players must obtain at least 15 Honorable Kills. To initially qualify for rank 1, 15 honorable kills are needed.
Rank Points Rank Points dictate a player's position in the weekly rankings. These are calculated using the player's current rank, Contribution Points, and past activity.
Rank Decay There is no Rank Decay in the current Classic Era and Season of Discovery.

For players looking to accelerate their progress in the Honor system, purchasing WoW Gold Classic can provide the necessary resources for buying better gear, consumables, and other items that enhance PvP performance. Many players opt to invest in WoW Gold to gain a competitive edge, enabling them to focus on earning Honor points without worrying about gathering the necessary in-game currency for essential items. Whether it's for upgrading gear or obtaining potions to boost your survivability in PvP encounters, having a steady supply of WoW Gold Classic can make a significant difference in climbing through the ranks.

Additionally, the high demand for WoW Gold in the game economy has led to the rise of external marketplaces, where players can purchase WoW Gold Classic directly. While this can be a convenient shortcut, it’s essential to be cautious when trading with third-party vendors to avoid scams or violations of Blizzard's terms of service. Always ensure that any gold purchases are made through secure and legitimate channels to keep your account safe and ensure a smooth progression through the Honor system.

PvP Ranks and Titles
The Honor system includes 14 ranks, each with specific titles and rewards for both the Alliance and Horde factions.
RankAlliance TitleHorde TitleMinimum Rank Points Required
1    Private    Scout    N/A
2    Corporal    Grunt    2000
3    Sergeant    Sergeant    5000
4    Master Sergeant    Senior Sergeant    10000
5    Sergeant Major    First Sergeant    15000
6    Knight    Stone Guard    20000
7    Knight-Lieutenant    Blood Guard    25000
8    Knight-Captain    Legionnaire    30000
9    Knight Champion    Centurion    35000
10    Lieutenant Commander    Champion    40000
11    Commander    Lieutenant General    45000
12    Marshal    General    50000
13    Field Marshal    Warlord    55000
14    Grand Marshal    High Warlord    60000

Sources of Honor
Players can earn honor through various activities:
Battlegrounds: Winning a Warsong Gulch battle earns 300-500 honor, while losing provides 100-300 honor.
Open World PvP: Killing players within level range yields 1-100 honor per kill.
Battleground Objectives: Completing objectives such as capturing flags or bases grants 50-200 honor per task.
Killing Racial Leaders: Defeating high-level NPCs awards 2000-5000 honor.
Repeated Kills: Diminishing returns reduce honor earned from repeated kills by 25%-100%.